Sigma Iris 3 is a model of high speed traction elevator manufactured by Sigma Elevator Company since the early 2010s.
Iris 3 is Sigma's model of high speed gearless traction elevator for high rise buildings. It is a successor of both Ds4 and Di5 of Sigma Distributed Inverter models. This model was launched in 2012 or 2013. It is currently the only model made by Sigma in the high rise segment.
The model was also sold in South Korea as NV3[1] but branded as Otis since the Sigma trademark is only used for overseas exports. Like the Iris NV, it also suffered poor receptions in the country due to its frequent breakdowns and malfunctions. It was discontinued from South Korea in 2019 and succeed by Otis SkyRise (GMH1 and GMH2) but the branding is retained by Sigma for overseas market as those are manufactured by Otis Electric or Otis TEDA (Tianjin) factories.
- Gearless traction
- Capacities
- 900-1600 kilograms (or 12-21 persons) capacities for 3-3.5 m/s speed
- 900-2250 kilograms (or 12-30 persons) capacities for 4, 5 and 6 m/s speeds
- 900-1800 kilograms (or 12-24 persons) capacities for 7 m/s speed
- 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 meters per second speeds
- Unknown maximum number of floors
- Unknown maximum number of travel height
- Center opening doors
- Can be fitted with Sigma's or Otis/Otis Electric's fixtures
- Can be equipped with e*route/SmartGrouping (Sigma's version of Otis CompassPlus destination dispatch as an option
- Can be equipped with Sigma NeT remote monitoring system as an option
Notable installations[]
- Green Pramuka Square Apartment, Jakarta
- Scarlet Tower
- Nenne Tower
- Penelope Tower
- Magnolia Tower
- Orchid Tower
- Bassura City Apartment, Jakarta
- Tower Alamanda
- Tower B Exclusive
- Tower Cattleya
- Tower Dahlia
- Tower Edelweiss
- Tower Flamboyan
- Tower Geranium
- Tower Heliconia
- Tower Jasmine
Notes and references[]
External links[]
- Iris 3 - Sigma Elevator Company