Elevator Wiki

Otis Gen3 is a traction elevator model of Otis Elevator Company, and is machine room less with an option of having a standard machine room. Introduced in 2021.


Gen3 ACD-MRL Dataplate

The nameplate on the ACD-MRL (fifth generation) controller for Otis Gen3 elevator and manufactured in 2023 (hence labelled as Otis and manufactured by Otis Electric). The "black box" on the right is the Otis ONE data processor and internet connection unit.

Otis Gen3 is a product being a continuation of the Gen2 (and Gen2-Regen variant by Otis Electric), but including Otis ONE, Otis' Internet-of-Things (IoT) connective digital service platform, built in as a part of marketing (hence called as Gen3)[2].

The Otis Gen3 adds new features, such as the ability to use the eCall app, an app that allows passengers to use an elevator using their mobile phones, the eView digital display, touchless technology, and more. It was announced on June 8, 2021 along with Otis Gen360 (Otis's other "digital elevator" product), and is currently available in North America, Australia, China and some other parts of Asia[3]. Otis Gen3 competes with Kone's DX Class, Schindler's 1000/3000/5000/6000, Mitsubishi AXIEZ LINKs (for Japan) and EOX by TKE in the "digital elevator platform" segment.


North America[]

This is a North American version of the Otis Gen3. The structures of the elevator is manufactured from the Otis Elevator Headquarters (OEH) in Farmington, Connecticut, U.S.

Gen3 Peak[4][]

  • 2500-5000 lbs capacity
  • 200/350/400/450/500 fpm speeds
  • Up to 30 floors
  • Up to 300 ft of travel
  • 2:1 Overslung roped

Gen3 Edge[4][]

  • 2100-5000 lbs capacity
  • 150/200/350 fpm speeds
  • Up to 16 floors
  • Up to 150 ft of travel
  • 2:1 Underslung roped (underneath car)

Gen3 Core[4][]

Gen3 Core is the "Lite" version of the Gen3 and available from Jun 8, 2023. It has more restrictions than any other versions of Gen3. It is manufactured from the Otis Factory in Florence, South Carolina[5].

  • 2100-3500 lbs capacity
  • 150/200 fpm speeds
  • Up to 8 floors
  • Up to 59 ft of travel
  • 2:1 Underslung roped (above car)

Gen3 Mod[]

This is a modernization model.


This is the China version of the Otis Gen3. The structures of the elevator is manufactured from the Otis Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA) factory in Tianjin, China. However, the controller is manufactured from the Otis Electric factory in Hangzhou, China.

The China version of the Otis Gen3 was firstly available in Australia, China (including Hong Kong and Macau), New Zealand and Singapore[3]. Otis Gen3 also available in Taiwan (Republic of China) from June, 2024 and Philippines (sharing the specifications from Singapore) from December, 2024. There are no difference to China version.

There also have Korean (South Korea) variant of the Otis Gen3 in 2023 that manufactured from Incheon, South Korea factory. There are mostly no difference for Gen3 Edge and Gen3 Peak to China version, but there have more restrictions for the Gen3 Core.

Gen3 MRL[]

  • Gen2 gearless traction machine with two disc brakes and independant monitoring circult (for both ACOP and UCMP)
  • ACD5-MRL controller with UCMP function applied
  • Maximum Capacity: 2000 kg (1600 kg for Korean Gen3 Core)
  • Maximum Speed: 2.5 m/s (1.75 m/s for Korean Gen3 Core)
  • Maximum rise: 120 m
  • Maximum Stops: 47

Gen3 MR[]

  • Gen2 gearless traction machine with two disc brakes and independant monitoring circult (for both ACOP and UCMP)
  • ACD5-MR controller with UCMP function applied
  • Maximum Capacity: 2000 kg (1600 kg for Korean Gen3 Core)
  • Maximum Speed: 2.5 m/s (1.75 m/s for Korean Gen3 Core)
  • Maximum rise: 140 m
  • Maximum Stops: 50

Gen3 Mod[]

This is a modernization version of the Otis Gen3. Solutions provided with the following table[6]:

Component Scheme of elevator modernization plan
Gen3 MOD Plus Gen3 MOD Pro Gen3 Full replacement
Elevator car
Sling No (but retrofit is required) Yes Please refer to either Gen3 MRL or Gen3 MR
Door operator[7] Optional Yes
Cab design Optional, by building owners Yes
Car doors[8] Optional Yes
Car fixtures Yes Yes
Safeties (wedges) connected to the governor[9][7] by elevator safety code in countries
Additional phone/intercom and security camera if they don't equipped by elevator safety code in countries
Traveling cable Yes Yes
Wire ropes[7] Yes Yes
Counterweight[7] No (but retrofit is required) Yes Please refer to either Gen3 MRL or Gen3 MR
Guide rails No Optional
Buffers No No
Electrical components Yes Yes
Tapehead[7] Yes Yes
Limit switches[7] Yes Yes
Wiring Yes Yes
Compensations[7] No Yes
Shaft door components No Yes Please refer to either Gen3 MRL or Gen3 MR
Shaft doors Optional Yes
Hall fixtures Yes Yes
Machine room
Machines Yes Yes Please refer to either Gen3 MRL or Gen3 MR
Controllers Yes Yes
Removal of the selector[7] Yes Yes
Overspeed governor[9][7] Optional by elevator safety code in countries
Additional ACOP and UCMP device if they don't equipped by elevator safety code in countries
Backup battery or uninterruptible power supply[7] Optional Optional

Japan version[]

The Japan version of the Otis Gen3 was launched in July, 2023[10]. These have different specifications and smaller capacity than the other countries.

Regular Gen3[]
  • Gen2 gearless traction machine with two disc brakes and independant monitoring circult (for both ACOP and UCMP)
  • Maximum Capacity: 1150 kg
  • Maximum Speed: 105 m/min (1.75 m/s)
  • Maximum rise: 75 m
  • Maximum Stops: 25
Gen3 Peak[]
  • Gen2 gearless traction machine with two disc brakes and independant monitoring circult (for both ACOP and UCMP)
  • Maximum Capacity: 1800 kg
  • Maximum Speed: 150 m/min (2.5 m/s)
  • Maximum rise: 150 m
  • Maximum Stops: 36

India version[]

The India version of the Otis Gen3 was introduced in 2023. These have different specifications and smaller capacity than the other countries.

Gen3 Prime[]
  • Gen2 gearless traction machine with two disc brakes and independant monitoring circuit (for both ACOP and UCMP)
  • Capacity range: 340 kg, 408 kg
  • Speed: 0.7 m/s
  • Rise: 20 m
  • Stops: 6
Gen3 Core[]
  • Gen2 gearless traction machine with two disc brakes and independant monitoring circuit (for both ACOP and UCMP)
  • Capacity range: 340 kg, 408 kg, 544 kg
  • Speed: 0.7 m/s
  • Rise: 25 m (15 m for the capacity is 544 kg)
  • Maximum Stops: 8 (6 stops for the capacity is 544 kg)
Gen3 Nova[]
  • Gen2 gearless traction machine with two disc brakes and independant monitoring circuit (for both ACOP and UCMP)
  • Capacity range: 340 kg, 408 kg, 544 kg, 612 kg, 680 kg, 884 kg, 1020 kg, 1088 kg
  • Speed: 1 m/s
  • Maximum rise: 60 m (45 m for the capacity is 612 kg, 30 m for the capacities are 1020 kg and 1088 kg)
  • Maximum Stops: 21 (16 stops for the capacity is 612 kg, 11 stops for the capacities are 1020 kg and 1088 kg)
Gen3 Life[]
  • Gen2 gearless traction machine with two disc brakes and independant monitoring circuit (for both ACOP and UCMP)
  • Capacity range: 544 kg, 680 kg, 884 kg, 1020 kg, 1088 kg
  • Speed range: 1.5 m/s, 1.75 m/s
  • Rise: 63 m (for the running speed is 1.5 m/s and any capacities, 1.75 m/s and capacity is 1088 kg), 96 m (for the running speed is 1.75 m/s and capacities are 544 kg, 680 kg, 884 kg, 1020 kg)
  • Maximum Stops: 21 (for the running speed is 1.5 m/s and any capacities, 1.75 m/s and capacity is 1088 kg), 32 (for the running speed is 1.75 m/s and capacities are 544 kg, 680 kg, 884 kg, 1020 kg)
Gen3 Stream[]
  • Gen2 gearless traction machine with two disc brakes and independant monitoring circuit (for both ACOP and UCMP)
  • Capacity range: 1088 kg, 1156 kg, 1360 kg, 1632 kg, 1768 kg
  • Speed range: 1 m/s, 1.75 m/s
  • Rise: 45 m (for the running speed is 1 m/s), 96 m (for the running speed is 1.75 m/s)
  • Maximum Stops: 16 (for the running speed is 1 m/s), 32 (for the running speed is 1.75 m/s)

Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam version[]

As the last batch of Asian countries that available with the Gen3 elevators. Gen3 for Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam are available in December, 2024. These have narrower range for the capacity and rise compared to any versions.

  • Gen2 gearless traction machine with two disc brakes and independant monitoring circuit (for both ACOP and UCMP)
  • Capacity range: 320 kg to 1020 kg
  • Speed: 1 m/s
  • Rise: 45 m
  • Maximum Stops: 11


Notes and references[]

  1. Under European EN81 standard
  2. Gen2 Machine Room Less Elevator, EPD International AB.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Otis Unveils New Generation of Digitally Native Elevator Platforms, Otis Worldwide Corporation (Hosted in PR Newswire), 8 June 2021.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 https://www.otis.com/en/us/products-services/products/gen3#
  5. Otis Unveils Connected Gen3 Core™ Elevator for North America, Otis Worldwide Corporation (Hosted in PR Newswire), 8 June 2023.
  6. Gen3 Mod (Singapore)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 If those devices exist.
  8. Including door bumpers and sensors
  9. 9.0 9.1 To make an ascending car overspeed protection.
  10. Gen3 Officially Launches in Japan!, Facebook page: Otis Elevator Co

See also[]

External links[]

  • Gen3 - Otis U.S.
  • Gen3 - Otis China (Simplified Chinese)
Elevator models by manufacturer
In production
Fujitec Viridian GearedViridian GearlessViridian MRLViridian PMGLXIOR
Kone EcoSpaceEcoSystem MRMiniSpaceHighrise MiniSpaceMonoSpaceTranSys
Mitsubishi ELEMOTIONElenessaDiamond HSDiamond TracHydraulic elevator models (USA)NexWayAXIEZNEXIEZMAXIEZ
Otis Gen2 (Gen2-Regen) • Gen3Gen360HydroFitAriseSkyRiseXOVF100M200VF300VF/300M
Schindler 330A10002400, 2500 and 2600300031003300 (3300 XL) • 5000530055006400 NA7000
Shanghai Mitsubishi ElenessaHOPE-II • LEHY (LEHY-IILEHY-M / M-II / HLEHY-MRL)
Sigma ACRAIris 3Muse NVSolon Premium
TK Elevator enduraendura MRLevolutionentaMomentumTWIN
Other manufacturers Anlev Elex ATDaldoss EasylifeHitachi LCAHyundai LUXENHyundai STVFHyundai YZEROrona 3GToshiba ELCOSMOToshiba SPACEL
GoldStar / LG D seriesL seriesM seriesH series
Haughton 10901092-ICDynafliteElevonics
Kone AltaSeries 90sSeries 90v
Mitsubishi "SP-Type""SP-III""EP"High-rise elevators (1970s-80s)SP-VFHigh-rise elevators (1980s-90s)GPS / GPS-IIGPMGPS-III / GPS-IIIB / GPS-IIIMZGPM-III / GPM-IIIMZGPQGPXHydraulic elevators (outside USA)NexWay Modernization
Otis 2000200132004000AutotronicElevonic 101Elevonic 201Elevonic 301Elevonic 311Elevonic 401Elevonic 411 / 411 MEuropa 2000Europa 2001Otis ExpressMicro DriveSignal ControlSKYWAYSpec 50Spec 60Spec 90, Spec Creces and Spec AlzaSystem 260VectorVIP 260
Schindler 00160, 70 and 80100 (100 P) • 300 (300A300 P) • 310L321A400A500 (500A500 P) • 7005400 / 5400 APdesign SDeve 300HElegantEuroLiftNeoLiftSchindler MobileSchindler Smart MRLS100L
Sigma Distributed InverterIrisMuseSolon
thyssenkrupp / TK Elevator AMEEAMEE GEVOLUTION BLUEISISOildraulicsynergy (North American SynergySynergy (Spain)synergy BLUE) • expansionGL
Other manufacturers Dover ComputamaticDover OildraulicDover SPFExpress Lift DMR ControlHitachi Computer ControlMontgomery SPM-T 2500Westinghouse Selectomatic
This elevator only serves two floors. "This elevator only serves two floors."
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