Elevator Wiki

This page is dedicated to unknown brand elevator fixtures. If you don't know the brand of an elevator fixture, post it in the unidentified fixtures section, and post any known information about it (date elevator was installed, brand name of elevator if known, country).

Note: If you identify the brand of an elevator fixture on this list, remove it from the list, and put the brand/series name if known in the edit summary.

Unidentified fixtures (no picture)[]

Unknown Epco fixtures[]

  1. These fixtures consist of small white buttons that light up when pressed. It is unknown if Epco made this button or not. These buttons were often used by Armor. These fixtures are discontinued.
  2. These fixtures consist of small white buttons that light up when pressed. These buttons look very similar to GAL Jet Plus and Epco WS Haloline buttons with white buttons and halos, but the font is different. It is unknown if Epco made this button for Armor or if Armor made this button. These buttons were often used by Armor. These fixtures are discontinued.

Unidentified fixtures (with picture)[]

Fixtures by proprietary Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or Original Brand Manufacturer (OBM)[]

Fixtures by non-proprietary elevator component companies[]

List of elevator fixtures by manufacturers
Main topic Elevator fixtures
Official fixtures by elevator companies Amtech ReliableArmorAtlas (Northern CA)Bennie LiftsBoralDEVEDong YangDoverElevadores AtlasElevators Pty. Ltd.Evans LiftsExpress EvansExpress LiftFiamFujitecGoldStarGFCGuangriHammond & ChampnessHaughtonHaushahnHitachiHyundaiIFEIndoliftJohns & WaygoodKleemannKone (North America) • LGMarryat & ScottMashibaMitsubishi Electric (North America) • MontgomeryMPOronaOtis (North AmericaSouth Korea/Otis Elevator Korea) • PaynePickerings LiftsSabiemSchindler (North America) • SchlierenSeabergShanghai MitsubishiSigmaStaleyStannahThymanThyssenthyssenkrupp (North AmericaKorean fixtures) • ToshibaU.S. ElevatorWestinghouseXizi Otis/Otis Electric
Non-proprietary (generic) fixtures by elevator components companies AdamsBuy Elevator Parts Co.C.J. AndersonCEACEHAMDewhurst (ERM) • DMG (MAD) • ELMIEPCOEverbrightGALHissmekanoHong JiangHunterInnovation IndustriesJinlixKindsKronenbergLeadway Elevator ComponentLester ControlsLiSAMico ControlMonarch ControlMonitorPTLSalientSchaëferSEES Inc.Shanghai STEPSodimasTung DaVega
Unknown fixtures For a list of unidentified fixtures, refer to this page‎‎.