Elevator Wiki

Anti-Crime Protection is an elevator special mode that forces each car to stop at a pre-defined landing and open its doors. This allows a security guard or a receptionist at the landing to visually inspect the passengers. The car stops at this landing as it passes to serve further demand.

This elevator only serves two floors. "This elevator only serves two floors."
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Elevator Special Modes 

Anti-Crime Protection (ACP)Attendant service (AS)Earthquake emergency return (EER)Emergency power operation (EPR) • Fire service mode (EFS) (Fireman's elevator) • Independent service (ISC) • Inspection service (INS) • Medical emergency/Code Blue service (EHS)Nudge modeOut of service • Peak times modes (Up peak (MIT) • Down peak) • Pet modeSabbath service (SHO)

See Also: List of Elevator and Escalator Brands • Elevator Fixtures Guide

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